Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Train 'em up!

Kudos to Rev. Dr. Eral Lewis who this past Sunday, May 27, 2012, was special guest speaker at Windsor-Castle-Independent-Baptist-Church's annual Family Day.  As he spoke I was riveted by his words (wish WCBC did the whole taping of sermons thing because I'd have loved to hear that one again) but I thought to myself that in 20 years (or maybe even less) our free world is going to censor such talk and perhaps label him as one inciting whatever they come up with.  Isn't it funny that if one takes a Biblical stance against anything you are labelled as "old-fashioned", "bigoted", "narrow-minded", among other things; and one is only free to express views that line up with what is currently socially popular?  Still, I must not allow myself to become perturbed by this because the Bible prophesied that this would happen... but I digress. 

The goodly Reverend's sermon was focused on the command given to God's people in Deuteronomy 6:5-9 and how important it is for us to apply that command to our modern families if we hope to leave a godly heritage. 
"Digest the Word of God deeply, Declare the Word of God diligently and map your Direction (decision making) by the Word of God".  We wonder why families are dying yet we ignore the prerequisites that God, the maker of families, established.  It's like people ignoring the Surgeon General's warning and then wondering why they get lung cancer. 

I big up Derek and Joan everyday for modelling the whole godly approach.  Growing up I hated it 100% but they still used the rod of correction and taught the Word diligently.  I have become wise enough to look back and thank God they believed in training the child in the way to go.

As we come to the close of May (celebrated in Jamaica as Child's Month) I hope that the local watch groups for the preservation of the rights of the child get the twist out of their undies and realise that endangering the welfare of a child includes refusing to punish them for inappropriate behaviour.  Albeit abuse is real and the full extent of the law should be meted out on those who practise such, we are often too quick to jump on that waggon that seems to be travelling in the direction that gives children (who by virtue of sheer youth and inexperience often don't know what's good for them) the liberties that we older folk earned because we've lived long enough.  My dad prefaced my beatings with "I'm beating you because I love you" as he got out his special beating ruler.  All my beatings further included a five minute sit-down explaining why a particular beating was necessary.  Strangely I remember those frequent pre-beating counselling sessions and I am here to shout that I am a better woman for it!

Let me quickly add that beating is not the only form of punishment neither is it appropriate for every infraction, I can immediately identify some people whom I know so-so beating neva work pan (merely beating them proved ineffective), especially if that beating was spur of the moment, irrationally thrown blows.  My point is children need the whole package.  They need to know they are loved, so as you correct them you must also play with them, reward them, talk to them...

They'll love you for it tomorrow.

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Always appreciate the feedback <3