Thursday, May 29, 2014

Nice Ppl Need God Too

I have a neighbour who has a way of greeting that makes me believe he's been waiting all day/ week/ month (depending on when I see him) just to talk to me.  On occasion I've walked alongside him on our street and it's always 'touching' to hear the little kids scream his name and see them running to their front yards to wave to him as he passes.  I've seen him stop to chat with older folks too and he seems to have a great relationship with the oldest to the youngest persons in our community.  My neighbour definitely has my vote for most congenial.  Yet my neighbour doesn't know the Lord.  I muse at this because I've never ever spoken to him about the Lord.  I've never even invited him to church...
I chide myself now as I ask myself "if I find this young man so likable why haven't I shared with him something I think is such a big deal?"
Perhaps there are many who, like me, are more interested in trying to save 'wicked' people.  We pray for the murderers and thieves, the womanisers and drunkards but what about nice guys?  If they die without Christ don't they go to hell too?  This recognition was a definite 'slap in the face challenge' that has seriously spurred me to make some changes to my attitude and prayer life.  Changes that will make me have a greater desire as well as actually do witness to the nice people with whom I come in contact.  No one can ever be  good enough in God's eyes, Isaiah 64:6 tells us, since our best in being good is still 'filthy'.  It is only through the acceptance of God's gift of salvation through Jesus that eternal peace is assured.

I pray for my neighbour, that he will have a receptive heart while I pray that I will be a purposeful witness of Christ to him and do more than smile and wave as I pass by.