Sunday, December 31, 2017

The one(s) that got away...

Reflection is good
Birthdays and new years bring with them an interesting challenge - the "what have you accomplished over the last year(s)? self actualization assessment.  
Being a new year baby I have a double whammy as, even if I might have tried to ignore that "call to assess" had my special day been any other time of the year, now that everyone is doing assessments (or merely talking about doing them... Many of us know the annoyance (or have been the annoyee) of having to wait longer than usual to access our favourite treadmill (or any other machine for that matter) while our gym is innundated by New Year's resolutionists the first 2 - 4 weeks in January... but I digress), I am compelled to proverbially face the music as the pressure to check one's self is stronger at this time of year than any other.

I'm beginning to realise more forcefully that as one gets older, there is a tendency to become more reflective (at least I have).  Reflection is good.  One just needs to learn to draw a line between identifying the mistakes and learning from them, and transcending into a pit of "what ifs?" and"how I wished".  For example, I know quite a few people who recognised the loves of their lives early on and capitalised on that #cheers2them.  On the flip side there are those who only recognised that a former lover, love interest, person they never gave the time of day, could have been theee one, only after the opportunity had passed and their lives had taken polar directions thus making the realisation too late and by extension useless #insertSadTearyEmoji.

I've reflected and seen my screwups and have sought to learn from them...  

Today, as I scraped the inside of my makeup foundation stick, I reflected on the ones I'd tossed when they'd got to the stage when I would need a spoon like object to extract the product (incidentally better than the one I now used).  How prodigal I'd been!  Now all I often think about are the ones I dumped...all that makeup that got away! 
My makeup rescue package is somewhere in snailmailer space but I trust that sooner or later it'll get here (hopefully before this one runs out lol).  Being as rare a shade as I am in my current place of abode, finding makeup to match my dark chocolate hue has proven impossible so I know that when the replacement comes I must not be so quick to discard it just because it has got to the place where using it is not easy and effortless.

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