Sunday, June 10, 2018

That's what they said?! #insertShockedEmoji

You know when you go to karaoke and you are no longer an ordinary language teacher (or whatever it is you do), but instead are in complete performance mode. So you've become Whitney Houston reincarnated, or if the Spice Girls got back together you'd maybe be 'Island Spice' or whatever, or possibly even those Macarena guys (though you don't really know if they're famous because you only know their Macarena song)...  But lemmie get to my point.

So you're at karaoke and in the middle of your grand performance, you see some words being highlighted on the screen that (until that moment) you had never before heard though this is one of your favourite songs and you've been singing "your bills all covered"  since you fell in love with BabyFace as a teenager LOL.  It's hands down one of theee most hilarious moments of my life!  Of course you don't let on to your 'audience' that you've been singing nonsense for over twenty years but in your head you're aghast.  And though in this instance your wrong lines fit this song seamlessly (well arguably), you can't help but think on some of the other songs where you'd misheard lines.  And you marvel at your momentary deafness because now, all you hear is the correct thing.

As a child, 'action songs' (songs that included gestures) were the 'it' of Sunday School.  An old favourite of mine was 'I am in the Lord's army'.  In my defence I'll insert that sometimes unfamiliarity with context can encourage the lyrical deafness one might experience.  And for a long time, having no understanding of the words infantry, cavalry and artillery is the reason behind my affirmation that, though:

"I may never march in an infanty
Ride on a calorie
Shoot with a tillery"

I was in the Lord's army... (at least that's the story I'm sticking to).

Still, my gestures were down pat, so I kinda sorta grasped the concept of the song.  So much so that  I even remember once sharing my extensive ignorance with another child by explaining that a calorie was a type of horse and a tillery a kind of gun #smh

Back home we have a saying "Def ayse gi liad trouble".  Thankfully now though fewer people can remain innocent of lying because we can check the lyrics online... Just have to hope whoever put it there had heard the correct thing in the first place.  LOLOL

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