Saturday, July 14, 2018

Ok So I've changed my mind on the whole marriage thing

I wish I had stats on how frequently I get asked why I'm not married.  And though I often try to explicate reflecting thought and depth of reasoning, a major factor could be that no one has asked #mer

I'd like to think that people who question my singleness, do  this because they realise (rightly so) that I have a gregarious personality that should be shared on the deepest level possible (and if you think otherwise just don't tell me).

In my many years as an adult I've listened to the pundits on marriage who have almost always concluded that selfish people should not get married and if they do, those unions have a rather brief life span.  I'm very slow to call myself selfish, but when I'm being honest I realise that every single time I've desired marriage it has always been about What's in it for me? i.e what I wanted to get and never so much about what I had/wanted to offer.  According to the aforementioned experts, an outlook such as this is a recipe for failure; and after the headache and expense of planning and executing a wedding, who wants the misery and tediousness of a bad marriage or processing a divorce?

While I still strongly believe the benefits of remaining single largely outnumber those of being married, the actual value of those benefits may however tip the scale n favour of marriage... but then again I'm learning that as one gets older, one's outlook on what is important often undergoes change.  Therefore quality over quantity is worth pursuing... but this may just be oldER age talking.

Nevertheless, based on my zero experience, and purely from my observations from the outside looking in, here's a brief list of reasons I've changed my mind on the whole marriage thing:

1. Guilt Free Sex
Of course this is paramount! Scripture says it's better to marry than to burn and if you are a believer in Jesus Christ who wants to honour God with your body, then you know that in a marriage is the only place where sex is legit.  I've been told that the stats on the amount of sex married people actually have is astonishingly disappointing, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

2.  Obligated Date 
I'm pretty OK with doing stuff by myself and since the inventions of the front camera on the cell phone and selfie stick there's less difficulty in capturing moments of activity.  One doesn't have to bug random passersby to help you get that picture of yourself before that sign.  Also, most cameras have timers, and there are tripods, so even if you want to get a video while you mimic Fred Flinstone to send the ball down the lane, you're good.  But some activities are just not as much fun when you're by yourself (at least the stuff I'm really in to).  After all, at karaoke you'll at some point need someone else to sing so you can rest your voice, it's pretty sad if you have to rack and break too - be stripes as well as solids, and it can be risky to go hiking by your lonesome...  Now of course all these activities can be shared with friends (that is after all my current modus operandi), but what if those friends are busy?  They're not the ones with the obligation to me.  Most of my friends have husbands/wives/children so their schedules are planned around those persons' needs not mine... Then there's the whole "third wheel" bit.

3. I'm old enough
One of the things I've sometimes heard from people who married young is how much their spouses have changed over the years - some for better, others for worse.  So I'm thinking that at this age I'm pretty much set in my ways (and so should the lucky fellow) and therefore everyone is fully aware of what the deal is ahead of time - that's one less hurdle in the steeple chase.

But from this list it's still evident that I'm thinking about my desires...Where's the bit about wanting to contribute to someone else's life?



  1. Dwl!!! This girl cracks me up everytime, dwl! Nothing like a light spin on life's tough topics #TheDanibabeShow.

    You are clearly not ready for marriage though; evidenced by:
    1) the use of the word 'single' in the phrase 'every single time'.
    2) using steeple and chase as separate words.
    Now, you are one of the best English Language teacher, who did not attend Oxford, so you are either leaving these nuggets along to as a hint that you are not ready; or this is just the depth of the subconscious speaking #subliminalbecomingobvious.

    All of that aside, I too have been boxed by the enquirer, every 'single' time (grinning) I respond that I am not married (sigh). Whilst the world may think that it's because I'm selfish or I'm damaged goods, I may be (Let's just separate these two words - grinning wider) saving someone from my selfishness and that is the only time being selfish is acceptable (yup, bull*#$ should always be this obvious).

    All my life I have allowed all the broken marriages (and I have seen alot) to weigh more on my decisions, than the fee (I typed few and autocorrect changed it to fee; take the hint Chadwick) that has worked; which is the major reason for being single. But I also agree that age changes opinions and needs, soh wha nuh dead to dash it weh.

    As usual, Ilovetherandomthoughts. Me joining the words is subliminal.

  2. I look forward to your comments every single time ;)
    "steeplechase" I did not know was one word so that one isn't because of my genius dah one deh real subliminal LOL

    You are selfish??!!! I find that hard to process

    How autocorrect deep suh - "fee" totally fits lol

  3. You go girl...I love my little family but there are times I say I wish I was like you ��. Free from compromise, do whatever you want whenever , except for the job part, girl got to pay her bills��

    1. Girl it’s a give and take in everything and it’s always gonna come down to what you want more I guess - this is definitely a “can’t have your cake AND eat it too” moment.

  4. Dang! Unnu bright sah. I didn't even catch that steeple chase thing until Chadwick's comment. Wish you had deliberately done steeple chase tho, that woulda bad!!!!

    1. Don’t it!
      Chaddy is a Lit genius yuh seet! LOL
      But that’s why I didn’t correct it - mi love di incidental deepniss (depth) 🤣🤣🤣


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