Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Did you find it?

In response to my expression of a love for travel, a friend recently asked what I thought I was looking for.  

Interestingly, I never really thought of myself as looking for any specific thing, I've just always thought the world is too big to spend all of it in one place...  Still, I subsequently decided to give it real thought:
a) Am I looking for something?
b) What is it that I am looking for?
c) What happens after I've found it?

Well 'b' and 'c' are rather moot if the answer to 'a' is 'no' ...
But for the purposes of making this post, the answer is 'YES'

What is it that I'm looking for?

I decided to play the old favourites.  What do people look for in life?
1. God?
2. Soulmate?
3. Fulfillment? (which is a Pandora's box in itself as the next question is 'what gives that?')

Great.  This mental discussion is becoming real circular real fast.

I decided I'd jump to #2 since I'm already settled on where I stand with #1...Despite having numerous off centre periods, His Grace always helps me refocus - but that's for another post.

Number 2 though! 
That proved to be far more difficult to outline than I anticipated; and let's just say the take I read in the  Huff Post was quite romantic comedyish #readUNrealistic LOL... but I don't totally believe in knocking theories so I'll just leave it out there.

Besides, show me the person who claims to not have a list of requirements and you'll have shown me the person I will call a liar to his/her face.  I've had to repeatedly finetune my own list over the years and the one of the 38 yr old is faaar shorter than that of the 19 yr old LOL. The former does suggest growth and I'm quite proud of that (though all the growing hasn't garnered me much success...) So maybe that's what I'm subconsciously seeking?

Number 3:
Remember that box...
Is the answer financial freedom?  Is it academic accomplishments?  Is it positive popularity?  Is it holistic health? (I got a tad carried away)

A definition of fulfillment undoubtedly varies from one person to the next but I think the conclusion I'm willing to draw is, if one wakes up each day without a feeling of dread and misery to face the day, one is experiencing fulfillment.  Naturally it doesn't necessarily mean one's health is perfect or there is no debt or you've achieved everything you wanted to achieve (or are even on the road to achieving it).  It does however mean that you at least face the day with the hope that you can try your hand at a meringue pie or orange chicken (there are other things to do with the lemons life gives you besides fricking lemonade #justSaying).  

What happens after I've found it?
Referring to my pseudo nomadic preference I remember my mom once telling my that "a rolling stone gathers no moss".  But is being mossless a bad thing?  And what is the true definition of moss anyway?  Why are experiences not accorded the mossly status as  'a spouse, kids and a dog'?  

What if the 'it' I seek is the experiences life has to offer and so the search never really ends?

Hmmm... that's something to think about...


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