Monday, June 24, 2019

A Coming Out Post

#cueDianaRoss    #wellThoseClose2meAlreadyKnew

You ever feel socially compelled to preamble with a disclaimer before you express something that might come off as a certain way?
What's the point though?
When I hear someone say "I don't mean to be rude but..." my mind gets ready to consider whatever they say as such.  One of my friends always says "mi nuh cut yuh but.." just before she interrupts whatever you were saying to say whatever she has to say.

Those disclaimers ruin it for others because when you now read mine you might be slow to accept the validity of it.
Nevertheless, here goes... I absolutely love kids.  I really do; and they love me (usually) but there is yet to be a moment when I say (whether out loud or in my head) that "I want one of those".  In fact, I've more times than I can recall uttered the exact opposite; because besides the typical baby making process, where's the enjoyability?

Before you gasp in outrage please review the disclaimer, I absolutely love kids.  I really do; and they love me (usually) ... but there's yet to be a moment when, after babysitting a friend's kid for a few hours and it's time to return the child, I say (whether in my head or out loud) "I wish he/she could stay longer". In fact, I've more times than I can recall said the exact opposite; because I really believe there are few things greater than the joy of being able to sleep late (or some other activity) without having to think of fixing the little tyke's breakfast (or some other duty) ... but then maybe I'm just selfish, or irresponsible, or both.


Don't get me started on the gestation period! It's a whole (   insert preferred exclamatory word   )year!

During this period many women glow - as in literally look big and shiny as they lumber around swollen and exhausted.
In all fairness I know many women who look so beautiful that other women (not me) feel a desire to be pregnant too - but focusing on those would throw a wrench in the point of this post wouldn't it? LOL

Then come the ensuing months (read years) of overweight because unless you are a professional athlete, movie star, entertainer or one of the world's few regular people who is a fitness junkie, it's not too easy to shake the excess fat.  I have friends whose kids are in high school and they still haven't lost the baby fat... so I'm thinking I'm gonna go ahead and pass.

The Right Time

Among the wise counsel I've received concerning this position is the assurance that I'll feel differently when the time is right... but let's face it, the window on the time thing is preeetty close to closing - suh ef mi nuh feel suh arreddy, mi nuh really think mi a guh feel suh again.
I'm especially fond of the warning not to jinx myself by saying "I don't want..." because later I could change my mind and apparently there are no take backs of what you utter into the universe.

Different folks, different strokes

Can I just say one more time that I absolutely love kids.  I really do; and they love me (usually) but if there ever was a situation worthy of the expression 'different folks, different strokes' this would be it.   Be warned though, this is never something you must voice unless you are ready to hear the disapproving tsks of those who attach some anti-godly significance to these utterances; or see the sympathetic nods spurred by a disbelief that you are being truthful.

On Mother's Days too it's quite humorous when 'well-wishers' sometimes have to walk back a greeting they'd accidentally extended.
Often there is a sympathetic addition that one day this will be true for me or that because I'm an educator and our roles are extensive - often to the point of overlap with that of a mother's - then I deserve the greeting... uhm (insert tilted head with frown) there's Teacher's Day for that LOL #theyMeanWell

It's scary when you don't want to be branded as some kind of cold, unloving, evil person, to admit that while they feel sorry for you, you are quite happy for yourself and in fact often feel sorry for them.
If only there was some way to make them understand that loving kids, but not wanting your own, is not mutually exclusive.

I can't wait to dote on my niece. #MentalHappyDance  It makes me quite excited just thinking about it. After all, I absolutely love kids.  I really do; and they love me (usually).

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