Thursday, July 04, 2019

In Search of Someone Who Likes Me Naked

Public baths are pretty major in Japan.
They have these things called onsens and sentos, which are basically hot pool versions of nude beaches... in my mind at least; but the use is a conventional aspect of Japanese culture. You and a dozen or so of your friends or a few strangers just strip down to your birthday suits and enjoy the mineral goodness.

It's very relaxing, or so I've heard, since close to all places do not admit patrons sporting tattoos.  Yup, even in 2019, the same place that is liberal enough to have a penis festival complete with themed floats and treats, sees tatts as taboo because historically they're associated with those involved in organised crime... but yeah, whatever, maybe I really could be Yakuza?

Even without this restriction and despite the unspoken, traditional etiquette of keeping ones eyes to oneself, I largely doubt I'd be keen on visiting these pools - I get stared at enough wearing turtlenecks and boots.  And while I'm more than less comfortable with the unclothed version of myself, I haven't had a brazilian in ages lol.

Bare as you dare
Humans have a curiously complex relationship with nudity - ranging from the ultra liberal [nude restaurants, nude beaches, streakers etc] to the ultra conservative, usually among those of a religious persuasion [and especially for women - Amish, Islamic, Catholic etc], or some alternative point of view [like what's common here for it to be quite acceptable that your skirt is short enough to show a butt cheek; but wear a blouse with a cut that exposes your clavicle? God forbid!]

Interestingly, a lot of the bashfulness surrounding being naked may even be Biblical.
I've often wondered why Adam and Eve didn't know they were naked until they became aware of good and evil.  This awareness then made them ashamed, which is probably why they sought to cover themselves.  Then God went ahead and upgraded their clothes - validating the need for shame?
On top of all that, Paul, in the New Testament, referred to unpresentable parts being treated with special modesty. Sure he was using the function of the body as an object lesson for roles; but in my head it still gave an underlying message of how we should view the body.

Then if the religious aspect wasn't deep enough for me, there's the historical twist which saw my ancestors being dehumanised by being stripped naked to be displayed and assessed in the market place like commercial goods.  Stripping continued as further means of subjugation when their naked bodies were whipped for infringement of their masters' rules.

So maybe there's just too much baggage for me to think differently, but I believe wholeheartedly that ones nakedness a nuh everybody sinting.

Not just my boobs
Even greater than the need to exercise discretion with a bare belly button or vajayjay, is that of baring the mind.

In this social media era though, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that in the same way I shield my physical nakedness from all and sundry, I may need to take a selective approach in revealing my id. (Would it totally ruin the literary effect if I mention that I'm deliberately attempting to make a play on id - as in id, ego, superego and I.D as in identification card? smh@self - sometimes I try too hard).

The truth is, not everyone is going to appreciate all of you #cueJohnLegend #PerfectImperfections and that's why finding the person to embrace your nakedness is a testy endeavour (trust me, I know - see relationship status for verification).

While I have zero pointers on 'how to' go about doing this, I have however had enough interaction with persons whose relationships don't possess this precious feature, to understand 'why to'. And it's one of those things that 'goes without saying' but you end up saying it anyway...

1. It will drive you nuts otherwise!
If I were to get a US dollar for every time I have heard someone publicly utter unrestrained complaints about their significant other's inability to understand/accept them in some way, I'd be able to fund that 40th birthday treat to Europe I was hoping for but have realised will not likely happen.

I am aware that everyone has traits that might annoy someone else; but I believe one key to happiness is to find that person whose appealing traits outweigh the irritating ones, or who is so conscientious that he/she makes visible efforts to check the unappealing ones. 
It's a sad truth that many have traded peace of mind so they don't have to check the 'single' box.

2. Not everyone will appreciate your nakedness
Some people won't tolerate an ounce of fat while some are stimulated by lots of it.  Ever tried to be candid about how you felt and ended up evoking someone's anger or judgment, or worse their indifference?  That's because they weren't ready for you to be bare.  So unless the person likes the naked you, you're going to end up being one of those persons who has a significant other, but not really.

Naked = Free
There's a freedom that comes (or should come) with being naked.  I experience inexplicable joy everyday when I get home and expel my body from the tedious clothes I've had to wear all day, often thinking how wonderful it would have been if they weren't necessary lol.

Though I wonder about why they hadn't noticed, I muse that the reason Adam and Eve had been unperturbed before eating of the fruit, is they were not yet in spiritual, and by extension mental, bondage.  With the knowledge of good and evil perhaps came feelings of doubt and inadequacy.  They certainly wouldn't have had blemishes they were the perfect prototype.  Also, there were no processed foods or diseases, polluted air or water; and being a gardener Adam should have been pretty ripped (though the labour would not have been intensive yet and they also had vegan diets so he probably wouldn't have been awfully bulky #hmmm Anyhoo, the point though is their sin messed with their heads.

There's a guy at my gym who is beautifully sculpted #eyeCandy.  He's a bit of a source of amusement for me as he often practises figure model poses at many points during his workout.  His sexy legs, clearly visible since he always wears short shorts, and enviable broad shoulders bursting through his stringer tank tops, are adequately matched by his perfectly chiselled abs which he sometimes reveals during the posing moments. He looks good naked, I'm pretty sure of it. I wonder though if he looks good when he's flexing his non-physical side?

First step is with you
Before you can truly believe someone likes you naked you have to like yourself.  This doesn't require that everything be perfect; but at least that you give yourself a chance to recognise and appreciate the things that are, while you continue to work on that which could be better.  When I measure my gym eye candy against the other average guys, most are found largely wanting - they don't want me in their lives - no one wants to get undressed and have someone offering continuous critique on all the things they are perhaps already quite self conscious about - I'd be pretty surprised if I like them naked But what of when they are baring the non-physical side?   

A Good looking naked
What kind of naked is more appealng? More meaningful?
Both require effort and dedication, but in my mind only one can last a lifetime.  When I find someone who likes me naked, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll be the nakedness that can be seen even when all the lights are out.

But then again, maybe I just don't know enough about relationships to recognise
this is an impractical desire in the first place.


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