Monday, September 12, 2022

Stating the Obvious? 004 #LifeNuggets #popping


004: Some kernels just aren't gonna pop.

I love popcorn. It's my second favourite snack. It's 1. potato chips 2. popcorn 3. gummy candy (specifically sour patch kids) 4. liquorice and 5. cheese crackers. Sixth through tenth place is basically up for grabs so if you have recommendations I'm all ears, but I digress. 
The point I'm getting at is I've made a lot of popcorn to the point that I literally consider myself a popping expert 😏 
#someTimesiRollMyEyesAtMyselfToo #FeelFree2DoTheSame
What I've come to learn through my popcorn popping experiences however is that no matter what (be it microwave or stovetop) there are, more often than not, kernels that just don't pop

You may (or may not) have seen an inspirational quote that reminds us not to compare ourselves to others by using a popcorn analogy. It basically says that all the kernels are in the same situation but don't all pop the same time so be patient because your time will come. But what if your time never comes? It has nothing to do with the oil or the heat or the pot. It just is what it is. 

Now before you call me a killjoy, I do have a point #pinkySwear.

Comedian Tom Segura said something in one of his specials that really stuck with me. He was talking about dreams and the fact that he encourages everyone to go after theirs no matter how impossible they may seem. The actual key is in the management of the expectations. In doing so you realise that it may or may not happen but you allow yourself the pleasure/satisfaction of the pursuit. 
I love that! Heck that's some Biblical wisdom for ya though (based on the way he talks) Tom doesn't strike me too much as a religious man; but that's of course irrelevant right now. The point is, the hope that it can happen is (ought to be) a rewarding experience so much so that even if it doesn't, you won't have felt the loss.

This is perhaps a segue from #LifeNuggets003. Conventional wisdom suggests that if you don't get the prize, in this instance 'pop', there is a question mark hanging over your head, was there a point in doing the activity in the first place? It's been a difficult lesson for me to learn too because I've always been a destination rather than a journey kind of girl. I rarely stop to smell the roses or take in the scenery around. I want the quickest/shortest possible route because I just want to get to where needs getting to. That kind of thinking though can be counter productive because sometimes the journey itself can offer pleasures if we take the time to appreciate it (getting older sure teaches you stuff). 

While the 'your time will come' idea is a good one to help us avoid becoming discouraged, I think it could make use of the fact that when the microwave beeps or you turn off the fire a bunch of lttle guys are in there that aren't soft and fluffy. If you are that kernel that doesn't pop, then you'd have endured that long journey without having given yourself the benefit of actually enjoying the ride.   

#SoWhatifYouDidntPop #MakeSureYouEnjoyTheRide


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