Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I Hate Me!

To be obese or to be anorexic?
That is sooo NOT the question!
How about being healthy?
It’s crazy how I've grown to love the word 'balance', it just keeps popping up in everything; and it’s quite important in order to develop a healthy view of one’s self. Persons of both sexes and of all races and have had to face the music and come to terms with defining beauty.  As a black woman, I have had to deal with the fact that hair has always been a major measuring stick of beauty.  Along with hair however there have been many issues that persons have had to address with this whole concept of beauty.  Of a certainty many Jamaican males and females have an issue with skin complexion and countless researches and discussions have been carried out in a bid to make inroads into the phenomenon of the bleaching of one’s skin.  T.V has not made it easier on those who want to be skinnier (not for health reasons I might add) and ‘everyone’ is bombarded into believing that weight loss will solve their body issues.
I for one have had inordinate concerns with my body weight; and until recently I was forever trying to lose 30lbs.  Crash diets don’t work.  Starvation doesn’t work.  I haven’t tried diet pills or shakes so I can’t speak to their effectiveness, or lack thereof.  My new mantra however is Health First.  Don’t over eat, but don’t under eat either.  Watch your intake of salts, sugars and saturated fats.  Exercise, drink plenty water, eat more fruits and vegetables, see your doctor and SLEEP!
I know skinny girls who want to get skinnier still (some want to get fat); and fat girls (though I do think the politically correct expression these days is full figured or fluffy) who want to get skinny.  Those who are dark skinned are trying to get lighter and those who are light skinned sometimes think they are too pale.  Those who can afford it get breast and butt augmentations or reductions for that matter.  Some get face lifts or tummy tucks, liposuction or lip enhancements all with the hope of feeling better about themselves, or at the very least making themselves more 'photogenic', in the typical sense, certainly putting an interesting new spin on being fearfully and wonderfully made. 
 No number of surgeries will however satisfy that man or woman void of self worth.  Self love means appreciating who you are and making every effort to keep yourself healthy.  In the words of India, “… I am a soul that lives within.”

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Always appreciate the feedback <3