Friday, April 20, 2012


"Everybody has a blog so why bother create one?" That's the question I posed to myself when the blogging idea first popped into my head. But then isn't it the same reason we read one newspaper over another, choose a particular flavor of ice-cream or pick one brand of anything over another? Sure each writer, owner, maker, etc will want to make you believe theirs is better (and in truth sometimes that is really the case) but until you've sampled it you can't really know for sure, so here's my sample among the myriad of blogs floating around in cyberspace.

 My Christian faith will feature primarily in what I write and the way I view issues that I write about, and I look forward to sharing my observations, growth and experiences.  Of course other topical issues will also be discussed.  There's so much to talk, write, read about and you'd be surprised about quirks that you thought were uniquely you until you meet fifteen other people who do/ think the same. I'm looking forward to this blogospheric journey with my readers and long to hear your comments as well.

 People often say this generation/ era (since some of the people who are said to do these things are sometimes in their 30s and beyond) doesn't like to read but I beg to differ. Maybe we do like to rush from one activity to the next, but every once in a while there appears that article that just grips your attention; and until someone shouts "FIRE!" you're not moving and you're reading every word.


1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see what you have in store Daniele!!! :)


Always appreciate the feedback <3